Tayyib Salih
Die Hochzeit des Zain (Affiliate-Link),
Salih, Tayyib, Unionsverlag, Gebundene Ausgabe, 3293001807, 3,31 €
Season of Migration to the North (Affiliate-Link),
Salih, Al-Tayyib, Quartet Books, Taschenbuch, 0704333279, 35,90 €
Sudanlı Öykü ve Roman Yazarı Tayyib Salih: Hayatı, Edebi Kişiliği ve Eserleri (Affiliate-Link),
İbrahim Günaydın, Nobel Bilimsel Eserler, Taschenbuch, 6253986635, 18,72 €
The Role of Form and Content in Creating the Meaning of a Text: Iben al-Rūmī and al-Ṭayyib Ṣāliḥ as Examples (Affiliate-Link),
Assadi, Jamal, Westwood Books Publishing, Gebundene Ausgabe, 1685364373, 14,57 €
AL-A^MAL AL-KAMILA [HARDBACK] [Hardcover] [Jan 01, 1996] SALIH, AL-TAYYIB (Affiliate-Link),
SALIH, AL-TAYYIB, DAR AL-AWDA, Gebundene Ausgabe, , 46,00 €
Voices of Exiles: A Study of al-Tayyib Salih and his Work (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, Band 22) (Affiliate-Link),
Elad-Bouskila, Ami, Oxford University Press, Taschenbuch, 019921512X, 193,99 €
The Revivalist of Sufism in Sudan Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayyib b. al-Bashir (English) 1824-1742 (English Edition) (Affiliate-Link),
Salih, Abdulgalil, , Kindle Ausgabe, , 8,51 €
The Sammaniyya: Doctrine, History and Future (Affiliate-Link),
Salih, Dr. Abdulgalil Abdallah, Independently published, Taschenbuch, , 14,71 €
Weitere Produkte zum Thema tayyib salih bei Amazon.de (Affiliate-Link)
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Trümmertote: ein Kommissar Oppenheimer Krimi im Berlin 1949 von Harald Gilbers
Und ich höre gerade:
Tod am Bosporus: Ein Inspektor-Íkmen-Krimi von Barbara Nadel, RADIOROPA Hörbuch